This past March, Mike Ruane, president and CEO of Revelation Software embarked on a trip to New Zealand and Australia for his nearly annual visit to customers and developers from "Down Under". There has been a plethora of development going on behind the scenes at Revelation, and this trip presented an excellent opportunity to let the folks know what is going on.
The first stop of the trip was Auckland, New Zealand, home of Revelation Software’s new Asia-Pacific representative, Mr. Richard Bright. At a day-long meeting, Mike gave presentations on some of the new modules that will be included in OpenInsight release 10.0.
After introductions of all the attendees, Mike discussed some of the features to be found in OpenInsight 10, including both 64-bit and 32-bit versions, new compiler, new Form Designer and Presentation Server, and new IDE, just to mention a few items. After a quick break for tea and coffee, the new OpenInsight Authentication Module (OAM) was discussed and demonstrated.
The OAM provides a standard interface to create and modify user login and security policies. It is designed for those sites where additional security is required. It can be used in conjunction with existing OpenInsight login security, and in conjunction with Single Sign On (SSO). While Mike was demonstrating the software, the attendees had a number of questions and suggestions, many of which were added into the software later that same week! Read on...
When Revelation Software president and CEO Mike Ruane previewed the upcoming release of OpenInsight 10.0 during a recent road trip to Sydney, Australia, and Auckland, New Zealand, there was strong reaction to Revelation's new cloud connector technology as well as new user authentication and security controls.
OpenInsight 10.0 will offer a cloud based filing system (CBBFS) that will allow the OpenInsight toolset to operate on data stored in cloud databases. According to Revelation, OpenInsight is a natural fit as a toolset for working with these databases. The first cloud database connection offered will be for Couchbase, a NoSQL document-oriented database. The CBBFS connector will translate the OpenInsight markup scheme to the markup scheme of Couchbase which is JSON. Next on the roadmap for an OpenInsight CBBFS connector is MongoDB, followed most likely by Windows Azure, said Ruane. Read the full article on
Vendors Rise to Meet New Challenges Mission-critical applications in the banking, education, retail, healthcare, oil and gas, government, and travel industries depend on trusted MultiValue database systems. Yet, emerging requirements also demand that MultiValue data be integrated with other data repositories and become accessible to users in new ways.
In this special section, DBTA asks MultiValue vendors: What are the new challenges your customers are facing and how are you helping to extend and leverage data in critical MultiValue systems?
Read what Mike Ruane of Revelation Software has to say.
TECH TIPS Did you know...that the OpenInsight Form Designer’s event handlers are convenient for rapid development, but become difficult to maintain in a large project. Arev programmers traditionally use a single program for each window, calling that program from every window or prompt process, passing a parameter to indicate which process to run. In Arev, we called these programs “commuter modules”. In today’s buzzwords, you would say that the Arev coders were implementing a model-view-controller design pattern. This same pattern works well in OpenInsight. Read On...
Did you know...that from OpenInsight's System Editor++ Utilities menu you can automatically create a Stored Procedure for use with an existing OpenInsight Form using the Commuter Module Generator. Read On...
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