OpenInsight named in Trend-Setting Products in Data and Information Management for 2018 By Joyce Wells
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail," Ralph Waldo Emerson famously advised. And, in the world of data management, companies are doing just that.
New products and services are continually emerging to help companies gain more value and insight from the large quantities of data they are collecting and storing. It is not just that new products are coming on the market, but established offerings are also being updated with cutting-edge capabilities.
Today, innovative approaches, such as Hadoop, Spark, NoSQL, and NewSQL, are being used in addition to more established technologies, such as the mainframe, and relational and MultiValue database systems. In addition, artificial intelligence and machine learning capabilities are some of the newer approaches being introduced in products. Cloud solutions are working alongside on-premises platforms, and the range of open source technologies is growing. Software-defined data centers are being deployed to augment hardware-based approaches. Newer interfaces help bridge the gap for business users and reduce friction between modern big data technologies and the BI tools they are accustomed to working with.
To help bring these resources to light, each year, Database Trends and Applications magazine looks for offerings that promise to help organizations derive greater benefit from their data, make better decisions, work more efficiently, achieve greater security, and address emerging challenges. In total, this list of forward-looking products helps illuminate the path on which the data management market is headed. On the following pages, we present DBTA’s list of Trend-Setting Products for 2018. We encourage you to continue your exploration by visiting the companies’ websites for additional information.
In addition, in this issue, we include “Product Spotlight” articles penned by company executives who shine light on what makes their products unique.
To continue the journey, go to for the latest news, IT trends, and feature articles, and review Unisphere Research’s library of survey reports at
Mike Ruane's Product Spotlight on OpenInsight 10
OpenInsight 10, from Revelation Software, is the latest release of a Windows-based Database Application Development Toolkit, which was first released in 1992. Over 25 years of expertise and lessons learned have gone into the development and crafting of this release. With a look and feel that the modern developer expects and has become used to, OpenInsight 10 will still run those applications made anywhere within the last quarter-century, and bring them forward, allowing years more of productive and effective use of existing software, and skillsets. But the computing world has changed a bit since 1992, and OpenInsight 10 has kept pace with these changes. New network topologies, operating systems, security requirements, volumes of data, sources of data, and reporting requirements are all addressed in this new release, and will continue to be addressed and enhanced as new technologies emerge.
Now, desktop solutions are fine for some applications, but other applications need to be run on browsers, or on mobile devices. For that, we recommend using O4W—OpenInsight for the Web, also included with OpenInsight 10. A browser-based tool, to make browser-based applications O4W allows developers to use their existing skills, and leverage them out and onto the web.
We think that we have a pretty good product with OpenInsight. With millions of users at hundreds of thousands of sites, we have a customer base that we want to continue to support and enable to do their jobs, whatever they may be. OpenInsight might be an answer to your application and database needs. If you haven’t already, how about you give us a try?
Extending the OCONV Date function using PERIOD_FORMAT
Often it is necessary to extend the OCONV Date function to achieve ISO 8601 values.
PERIOD_FORMAT is a subroutine which will produce ISO 8601 values.
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OpenInsight 10 Beta Testing Program in Full Swing
Our Beta testing program has been well under way for the past several months helping us reach our target release date of April 15, 2018. Over 30 developers from around the globe are participating in this program providing us with valuable feedback on OpenInsight 10. We want to thank all Beta testers for assisting us in this final phase of development. Beta 5 will be released mid-January.
Universal Driver NUL v5.1 released
Universal Driver NUL v5.1 for OpenInsight 10 - This is a 64-bit server side installation for use with OpenInsight 10. The Universal Driver NUL v5.1 allows files from OpenInsight 10 and OpenInsight 9.4 to share the same Universal Driver. This version has been updated with the latest ACE libraries. Management of the Universal Driver is done via the OI Console.
Universal Driver NUL v5.1 for OpenInsight 9.4 - This is a 64-bit server side installation for use with OpenInsight 9.4 and a 32-bit client side installation for use with OpenInsight 9.4. The Universal Driver NUL v5.1 allows files from OpenInsight 10 and OpenInsight 9.4 to share the same Universal Driver. This version has been updated with the latest ACE libraries. Management of the Universal Driver is done via the UD Manager.
Upgrades from the Universal Driver NUL v5.0 for OpenInsight 9.4 to the Universal Driver NUL v5.1 for OpenInsight 9.4 are free of charge. Please contact our Customer Care Department at (800) 262-4747 to request your upgrade and receive your license authorization code.
OpenInsight 9.4 users who have the Universal Driver 4.7.x or Universal Driver 4.7.x NUL may upgrade to the Universal Driver NUL v5.1 for OpenInsight 9.4 for $1,075.00.
The Universal Driver NUL v5.1 is included at no additional cost with the purchase of OpenInsight v10.0 licensing.
Software downloads can be found on the Universal Driver page of our web site.
OpenInsight 9.4 "Roll Up" Patch v4 released
Revelation Software announces the availability of a new "Roll Up" patch, OpenInsight 9.4 "Roll Up" Patch v4. This includes all the patches and fixes from the previous "Roll Up" patches, as well as:
- A new OINSIGHT.EXE to fix memory issues with out-of-process versus in-process OLE controls; - Enhanced R/List processing to fix a longstanding issue in “between” processing (in both OpenInsight and AREV32); - Fixed LIST_VOLUME_SUB to support volume MFS; - Improved performance when using base 64 encoding/decoding; - Improved stability when determining Windows drive/server mapping; - Updated LIST_USER_LOCKS and related functions (RTI_GET_LH_INFO, RTI_GET_LH_RATIO, etc.); - Improved DSBFS stability
After installing this patch, your system will report that it is running version 9.4.3.
Works members can download this patch from the Works Downloads section of our web site.