IN DEVELOPMENT Development of OpenInsight 9.3 has commenced. The targeted release date is scheduled to coincide with our Users' Conference in October 2011. This release will feature the implementation of Data Encryption at Rest (DER) within the OpenInsight database environment.
The 9.3 release will also include a replacement of the Banded Report Writer (BRW) using the C1Report tool from ComponentOne. C1Report supports powerful and easy-to-use banded reports that are compatible with Access and Crystal models.
Development has also started on a connector to DB2 databases.
UNIVERSAL DRIVER 4.7 (NUL) AVAILABLE TO WORKS MEMBERS All active members of our Works Subscription Program are entitled to a free copy of the Universal Driver 4.7 (NUL). The Universal Driver 4.7 (NUL) software can be downloaded from the WORKS DOWNLOAD SECTION of our web site. Works members can request their installation serial number HERE.
VIDEO OF THE MONTH This month we are presenting a video tutorial on our Source Control Module (SCM). With this new feature included in OpenInsight Development Suite 9.2.1, source code can be grouped into modules and saved as a unique version as the code is compiled. You can view the video tutorial HERE.
TECH TIPS Did you know...that you can generate PDF's from OpenInsight for Web (O4W).
First, some background: O4W runs in what we call “non-UI context”; that is, it runs on an OpenInsight OEngine that doesn't have access to OpenInsight’s Windows desktop, so it can’t do things that require the Windows GUI. One of the things that OpenInsight does that requires the Windows GUI is generate PDF's, so if we want O4W to generate a PDF we have to find some way to ‘ask’ a regular OpenInsight to do this for us. For OpenInsight 9.x and above, we have implemented the ability to run OpenInsight as a ‘task manager’. READ ON.
REVELATION USERS' CONFERENCE 2011 Mark your calendars! The Revelation Users' Conference will be returning to the Rio All-Suite Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada. The conference dates are Tuesday, October 4th - Friday, October 7th, 2011. The theme for the 2011 Conference is "Knowledge is Power".
REVELATION USERS' CONFERENCE 2011 EXHIBITOR OPPORTUNITIES Exhibitor opportunities are now available for our Vendor Fair at the 2011 Users' Conference. Exhibitors may book a booth or table top. Sponsorships include:
2 Free Attendees
6 Foot Skirted Table
2 Chairs
Power Supply
Listing on Conference Web Site, Brochure, Handouts and Email Blasts
Please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to book your exhibitor space.
INTERNATIONAL SPECTRUM 2011 Come join Revelation Software at theINTERNATIONAL SPECTRUM 2011 CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION. The conference will be held at the PGA National Resort & Spa in West Palm Beach, Florida on Monday, April 4th - Thursday, April 7th, 2011.
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