Table of Contents
I. Grant of License
II. Annual License Renewal
III. Term of Agreement
IV. Limited Warranty
V. Limitation of Liability
VI. Severability
VII. Government Restrictions
VIII. Applicable Law; Legal Proceedings
IX. Restrictions
X. Transfer of Software
XI. Upgrading
XII. Exports
XIII. Audit
XIV. Entire Agreement
Exhibit A
Software License Agreement
This document defines the terms and conditions regarding the licensing of Revelation Software products from development through deployment. By clicking on the “Yes” button on the Software License Agreement window, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions of this license agreement. If you have any questions, please contact your region’s Customer Service Department:
· In North America, South America and Canada (800) 262 4747 or (201) 594 1422
· In Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific +64 (9) 534 9134
· Europe, the Middle East and Africa +44 (0)208 912 1000
· All other geographic locations (800) 262 4747 or (201) 594 1422
OpenInsight 9.0 and above License Agreement
THIS IS A LEGAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN YOU (Licensee) AND REVELATION SOFTWARE (Revelation). READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BEFORE OPENING THE MEDIA PACKAGE AND/OR INSTALLING OR DOWNLOADING THE PRODUCT. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH THEM, YOU SHOULD PROMPTLY RETURN THE PRODUCT TO REVELATION OR ABORT THE INSTALLATION PROCESS. This AGREEMENT governs the use of the software and documentation contained in the OpenInsight Products. Installation, copying, downloading, or any other use of the software indicates your agreement with the terms and conditions set forth.
Revelation grants Licensee a non-exclusive license to install and use one (1) copy of the software and one (1) copy of the documentation on one (1) computer. Licensee may make one (1) copy of the software for backup purposes only consistent with and under the limitations of 17 U.S.C. § 117. All other rights are reserved to Revelation. This software is protected by copyright law, International copyright treaty and by Revelation’s defined licensing requirements.
The Works
The OpenInsight development suite is delivered through a subscription package known as ‘The WORKS’. This developer focused package includes a full development copy of OpenInsight and access to the “WORKS Subscribers” section of the website. In addition, The WORKS provides access to technical support facilities provided by Revelation.
Every OpenInsight WORKS developer must be properly licensed at all times through a WORKS or a TeamWORKS license. WORKS and TeamWORKS licenses are registered to a named individual at the time of purchase. WORKS and TeamWORKS licenses are not transferable or shareable without the express written permission of Revelation following due consideration of the facts surrounding the request for transfer.
An individual copy of The WORKS product includes one (1) OpenInsight installation CD. This CD installs a single user development copy of OpenInsight on the appropriate computer. Additional developer licenses can be applied to this license through the purchase of TeamWORKS. TeamWORKS licenses are supplied electronically and they are available in 1, 3 and 5-user increments. WORKS and TeamWORKS licenses cannot be duplicated nor applied more than once. WORKS and TeamWORKS licenses cannot be distributed to more than one server. If Licensee needs to install the development software on multiple servers, additional copies of OpenInsight WORKS and TeamWORKS must be purchased.
Every individual who accesses the “WORKS Subscribers” section on the website for upgrades, WORKS content, services, etc. must have an active Works Subscription. Proper licensing can be determined by ensuring each individual has his/her own unique user name and password. Login details are personal to the individual and cannot under any circumstances be shared with another individual, colleague or otherwise. A Works Subscription is not transferable or shareable (i.e. multiple users logging in using the same user account).
Installation of a TeamWORKS development environment
The initial OpenInsight WORKS license provides Licensee with a full installation of the software as a single user developer license. This is identifiable by a serial number in the format of Wnnnnnnnn (where n represents an alphanumeric character) that is pre-registered to the Licensee at the time or purchase. This license counts as the first OpenInsight license.
If there is more than one developer, additional developers are added to the OpenInsight WORKS development license through a supplied authorization code via the purchase of TeamWORKS licenses. Each additional WORKS user is applied into an OpenInsight license that resides on the network server and increments the number of concurrent licensed WORKS developers that can access that copy of OpenInsight.
For example, if five WORKS developers require access to OpenInsight on a network, the first WORKS developer license will be the installation of the OpenInsight Installation CD. The remaining four WORKS developers would apply the appropriate authorization code to the single copy of OpenInsight on the network. OpenInsight WORKS development licenses cannot be distributed to more than one server. If you need to install the development software on multiple servers, additional copies of OpenInsight WORKS must be purchased.
The only variation to this is where the WORKS subscriber needs to work both on the office based central server and also remotely on their own personal laptop, for instance supporting a client on-site or working from home or a satellite office without direct connectivity to the central office server hosting the TeamWORKS license. In such instances, one (1) copy of the software and one (1) copy of the documentation may be installed on one (1) office server AND one (1) additional copy of the software may be installed as a ‘single user license’ (using the original installation CD) onto the licensed WORKS subscribers personal laptop. This variation does NOT provide for additional developers and Licensee must take all necessary steps to ensure that only the named developers use the WORKS and TeamWORKS license as per the registration and License. Installing a 5-user TeamWORKS license on the office server and an additional license on one of the developer’s laptop does not provide for six people to use the licenses. Only five licenses may still be used at anyone time.
On occasion, Licensee may legitimately find it necessary to install a duplicate copy of the software for pre-release testing or testing of a new OpenInsight or Universal Driver release prior to inclusion into the production environment. This license makes no provision for this eventuality as Revelation, from time to time, provide single user copies of the software in the form of both beta and evaluation licenses of OpenInsight for such purposes. However, Revelation shall consider each application on its own merits and were short period testing is required, and extension to this license may be given in writing. Only following official written authorization may a temporary license be installed.
OpenInsight Single User Runtime Deployment License
Each WORKS license provides the registered developer with the ability to create an infinite number of Single User Runtime licenses via the Runtime Deployment Kit. Single User Runtime licenses can be identified by an Xnnnnnnnn serialized license file that is tied to the issuing developer license.
Single User Runtime licenses can only be installed on stand alone computers and workstations. Specifically, they cannot be installed on a file server or accessed across any network. The only exception to this is where a properly licensed WORKS subscriber uses a remote assist dial in facility, or network share, to offer remote support for a technical issue or one-on-one training session.
The Single User Runtime License provides one end-user full use of an OpenInsight application; however, it does not allow the user to change or modify the application. Applications are delivered using a Runtime license when the application is fixed, and cannot be modified. The Runtime license specifically prohibits the ability to create files, create or modify dictionaries, create or delete indexes, as well as any application component (such as popups, forms, programs, etc.) as listed in Exhibit A. A Runtime license is not subject to an annual license renewal fee.
Network User License (NUL)
Every OpenInsight Network User License user must be properly licensed. A Network User License uses a Developer Class engine that can be identified by a serial number in the format of Dnnnnnnnn (where n represents an alphanumeric character) which is unique to the Licensee that the license was originally purchased for and as pre-registered to at the time of purchasing the license. The Network User License enables a single user or multiple users to create files, create or modify dictionaries, create or delete indexes, as well as any application components (forms, programs, menus, etc). Specifically, it does not allow applications to be deployed. Network User Licenses are available in increments of any number of users. They are supplied electronically for use on one (1) installation of one (1) unique site specific OpenInsight serial number. A Network User License cannot be duplicated nor can it be applied more than once. If Licensee needs to deploy the application on multiple servers, additional Network User Licenses must be licensed or Enterprise Licensing must be purchased.
Network User License – Desktop Edition
This license includes one (1) Network User License File and serial number which can have a maximum of five (5) users on a single server. This license includes Revelation Software’s Universal Network Driver (NUL). This license is subject to and requires payment of an annual license renewal fee.
Network User License – Server Edition
This license includes one (1) Network User License File and serial number, which can have an unlimited number of users on a single server. This license includes Revelation Software’s Universal Network Driver (NUL). This license is subject to and requires payment of an annual license renewal fee.
Network User License – Enterprise “A” Edition
This license includes one (1) or more Network User License Files and serial number for a minimum of seventy five (75) concurrent users. These license files can be applied across multiple servers within the Enterprise. This license also includes Revelation Software’s Universal Network Driver (NUL). This license is subject to and requires payment of an annual license renewal fee.
Network User License – Enterprise “B” Edition
This license includes one (1) or more Network User License Files and serial numbers for a minimum of one hundred and fifty (150) concurrent users. These license files can be applied across multiple servers within the Enterprise. This license also includes Revelation Software’s Universal Network Driver (NUL) and/or Universal Driver Heavy. This license is subject to and requires payment of an annual license renewal fee for both the Network User License and the Universal Driver Heavy.
Web User License
A Web User License enables the publication of Revelation data to the World Wide Web. The Web User License provides users with access to application extensions within the context of a web browser or HTTP enabled tool. It can be used in conjunction with Network User Licenses for both testing and production web environments:
I. Testing - Communicating to the OpenEngine via OECGI using a persistent connection requires a minimum of one (1) Web User License. This license is designed for developer use to test their web application development, without the need to invest in a multi-user Web User license.
II. Production - Communicating to the OpenEngine via OECGI, OECGI2 or OECGI3 using a dynamic connection requires a minimum of (10) Web User Licenses.
Revelation Network Products
The Revelation Universal Driver, Universal Driver (NUL), Universal Driver Heavy are licensed per server. The implementation and use of these products work in conjunction with properly licensed network user licenses (OpenInsight Network User Licenses, Web User Licenses, OpenInsight SDPs, or Advanced Revelation Lanpacks). A Network Product cannot be duplicated nor applied more than once. If you need to deploy the application on multiple servers, additional Network Products must be purchased or Enterprise licensing must be purchased.
Network User Licenses for OpenInsight 9.0 and above are subject to an Annual License Renewal fee. The annual license renewal fee is charged one (1) year from the date of initial license purchase. Failure to provide full payment of the annual license renewal fee is a direct violation of this Agreement.
Failure to settle any Annual License Fee invoice prior to the license expiry date will result in a reminder window popping up during the software start-up phase. This reminder will begin ten (10) days prior to the expiry and access to the software will be provided following the user acknowledging the notification by clicking the window’s OK button. Following expiry, the license expired window will show for a variable length of time before allowing the user access to the software. Access to the software will not be blocked, but users will need to acknowledge the reminder screen. Consideration therefore needs to be made by the Licensee for any automated system processes that consume a license count; e.g., a web process.
A new license file will be provided electronically on payment of the Annual License Fee. This is a twenty-five character alpha-numeric key that can be entered by a Licensee authorized user using the reauth.exe file found in the main OpenInsight installation directory. Users must be logged out of the software to apply the key.
The term of this License Agreement shall commence on the date Licensee installs the software. This Agreement remains in effect until terminated. This Agreement shall automatically terminate without notice if Licensee fails to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. Upon termination of this Agreement, Licensee shall cease use of the Software and, upon request, return to Revelation or certify destruction of the Software, including documentation and any related materials.
Licensee may terminate this License Agreement by removing all instances of the software and documentation from the Licensee’s computers and also destroying all instances of the Software and documentation held on backup and other removable media devices. Any and all future reuse of the software requires the purchase of fresh software licenses.
Revelation warrants the physical media and physical documentation provided by Revelation to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of ninety (90) days from the original purchase date. If Revelation receives notification within the warranty period of defects in materials or WORKMANSHIP, and determines that such notification is correct, Revelation shall replace the defective media or documentation. LICENSEE MAY NOT RETURN ANY PRODUCT UNTIL A RETURN MATERIAL AUTHORIZATION (RMA) NUMBER HAS BEEN OBTAINED FROM LICENSEE’S REGIONAL REVELATION CUSTOMER CARE DEPARTMENT. REVELATION SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS, OR CONDITIONS, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ALL OTHER IMPLIED TERMS ARE EXCLUDED.
Specifically, Revelation makes no representation or warranty that the software or documentation is "error-free" or meets any user's particular standards, requirements, or needs. In all events, any implied warranty, representation, condition, or other term is limited to the physical media and documentation and is limited to the 90-day duration of the limited warranty.
If any provision of this License Agreement is found void or unenforceable, the remainder will remain valid and enforceable according to its terms. If any remedy provided is determined to have failed of its essential purpose, all limitations of liability and exclusions of damages set forth shall remain in effect.
Use, duplication or disclosure of the Software and Documentation in this package, by the U.S. Government is subject to the restricted rights applicable to commercial software under clauses 52.227-19 of the FAR and 252.227-7013 of the DFARS.
This License Agreement applies to all countries around the world. As such, any other, unspecified, Government restrictions may apply to the Licensee by any Government or Authority of the local geographical location where the Software is being used. It is the Licensee’s responsibility to make themselves aware of any such restriction and abide by same.
This License Agreement shall be deemed to have been executed and delivered within the State of New Jersey, U.S.A. and this License Agreement and the rights and obligations of Revelation and Licensee shall be construed, interpreted and governed under the laws of the State of New Jersey, U.S.A. Licensee absolutely and irrevocably consents and submits to the jurisdiction and venue of the courts of the State of New Jersey and of any federal court located in the State of New Jersey in connection with any actions or proceedings arising out of or relating to this Agreement and agrees that any actions or proceedings arising out of or relating to this Agreement shall be brought in the courts of the State of New Jersey or in the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey, Eastern District. In any such action or proceeding, Licensee hereby absolutely and irrevocably waives personal service of any summons, complaint, declaration or other process and hereby absolutely and irrevocably agrees that service thereof may be made by certified first class mail directed to Licensee at the address set forth below.
You may not alter, merge, modify or adapt the Software in any way including reverse engineering, disassembling or decompiling the Software. You may not rent, loan, or lease the software or any copy thereof, except in the specific instance of applications created using the Software being applied in an instance of Software As A Service (SAAS).
With the exception of OI WORKS licenses, you may transfer all of your rights to use the software to another person within the same organization, provided that you transfer to that person all of the software, CD’s, diskettes, and documentation provided in this package (including this statement), and transfer or destroy all copies in any form. Once you transfer the software, you no longer have any right to use it. The person to whom it is transferred may use it only in accordance with the copyright law, international treaty, and this statement.
If the Licensee merges with, is acquired by, or otherwise sells or transfers all or substantially all of its business to a third party, the Licensee may assign this Agreement to the third party. This transfer will be facilitated through Revelation’s novation process for which an administration fee may be charged. Licenses may only pass between organizations or individuals following completion of the novation process. As part of the novation process, both the existing Licensee and the proposed new Licensee shall agree in writing prior to any such transfer, to be bound by all of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. Except as set forth above, this Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of Revelation.
An upgrade version of the software constitutes a single product. An upgrade and the original software that you upgraded cannot both be available for use at the same time, and cannot be transferred separately, without written permission from Revelation Software.
Upgrades of the software cannot be applied to more than one licensed product, The only exception to this is where a properly licensed WORKS or TeamWORKS subscriber uses their WORKS license to apply OpenInsight or Network product upgrades to deployed systems running on a Runtime or Network User License.
Licensee understands that the product is subject to regulations by agencies of the United States Government as well as laws and regulations of other applicable countries, which prohibit export, or diversion of certain technical products to certain countries and individuals. Licensee shall comply in all respects with all applicable export and re-export restrictions applicable to the product or related materials.
During the term of this Agreement, Licensee shall permit Revelation or Revelation’s authorized representative, upon reasonable notice and during normal business hours, to (a) inspect and audit the Licensee’s books and records relating to this Agreement and (b) perform data processing audits to ensure compliance with this License Agreement.
This Agreement is the complete and exclusive statement of the License Agreement between Licensee and Revelation Software regarding the subject matter hereof and supersedes all agreements and any other communications, whether oral, written or implied, between Licensee and Revelation. This Agreement may be modified, changed, or revised only by a written agreement between Licensee and an authorized officer of Revelation.
Programs prohibited for use with a Runtime License:
Program Name | Description |
CREATE_FILE | Create a new file |
CREATE_TABLE | Create a new file |
CREATE_INDEX | Create a new index (btree, xref, relational) |
CREATE_SYMBOLIC | Create a new symbolic/calculated field |
CREATE_VOLUME | Create a directory (folder) to store LH files |
DEFINE_STRUCT | Allows you to access external .dll files |
DS_CHILD | Create a new dataset |
CREATESWAP_NEWDB | Swap/change the current database |
DELETEFILE.SUB | Delete a file |
DELETE_INDEX | Delete an index (btree, xref, relational) file |
DICT.MFS | Disables the ability to issue the following: CLEARFILE - Delete all the fields WRITE - Create or change fields DELETE - Delete a field |
HELP_CHILD | Create User Help |
MSG_CHILD | Create messages |
POPUP_CHILD | Create popups |
RECOMPILE_PROC | Recompile a stored procedure |
RENAME_TABLE | Rename a table |
REV_COMPILER | Compile programs |
RTP5 | Compile programs and dictionaries |
RWD_CREATEPREVIEW | Create a preview for an OI HTML Form |
SET_APP_INFO | Set username, password, application info and encrypts; create new application |
SET_MFS | Place an MFS on a file (Quickdex, SI, custom) |
SQLEXP_CREATE | Create Data Warehouse |
SQLEXP_MANAGER | Allow access into Data Warehouse Manager |
SQLEXP_SELECT | Select rows to put into Data Warehouse |
SQLEXP_WIZARD | Data Warehousing creation Wizard |
REPOS.DATASOURCE.CONNECTION.DESTROY | Delete a connection object |
REPOS.DATASOURCE.CONNECTION.WRITE | Create/modify connection object |
REPOS.DBCOMPONENT..DESTROY | Delete any database component |
REPOS.OIWIN..COMPILE | Compile an OpenInsight Form |
REPOS.OIWIN..DESTROY | Delete an OpenInsight Form |
REPOS.OIWIN..NEW | Create an OpenInsight Form |
REPOS.OIWIN..TDESTROY | Tree delete a Form |
REPOS.OIWIN..WRITE | Modify an OpenInsight Form |
REPOS.OIWINEXE..DESTROY | Delete a Form Executable |
REPOS.OIWINEXE..NEW | Create a Form Executable |
REPOS.OIWINEXE..TDESTROY | Tree delete a Form Executable |
REPOS.OIWINEXE..WRITE | Modify an OpenInsight Form Executable |
REPOS.POPUP..DESTROY | Delete a Popup |
REPOS.POPUP..NEW | Create a Popup |
REPOS.POPUP..WRITE | Modify a Popup |
REPOS.STPROC..COMPILE | Compile a stored procedure |
REPOS.STPROC..DESTROY | Delete a stored procedure |
REPOS.STPROC..NEW | Create a new stored procedure |
REPOS.STPROC..UPDATE | Modify a stored procedure |
REPOS.STPROC..WRITE | Modify a stored procedure |
REPOS.STPROCEXE..DESTROY | Delete object code |
REPOS.STPROCEXE..NEW | Create object code |
REPOS.STPROCEXE..TDESTROY | Tree delete object code |
REPOS.STPROCEXE..UPDATE | Modify object code |
REPOS.STPROCEXE..WRITE | Modify object code |
REPORTER .EXE | Design a report |
OpenInsight is a trademark of Revelation Software All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
Reviewed 07/13
Revelation Software specializes in tools that enable rapid development and easy deployment of packaged and custom line-of-business applications, providing an environment where applications can be maintained and evolved cost effectively.
This guide is offered to assist developers and users in understanding our licensing requirements, and to enlist our customers in helping us ensure that licensing guidelines are properly followed. Our license guidelines ensure that we receive fair value for our innovations and have the resources to provide an ongoing continuum of development capabilities.
General Licensing Guidelines
Revelation Software s licensing is based on several simple principles which are generally accepted by the software industry. These principles are outlined below.
1. Advanced Revelation comprises the software, manuals, intellectual property, trade secrets and the product license, which together constitute a complete product. These components cannot be separated from one another.
2. Every user of the software (i.e., developer, reseller, individual application user or corporation) has the responsibility to read, understand and comply with Revelation s software licensing guidelines.
3. As a general practice, software should not be copied for any reason other than backup and safekeeping of the original licensed software.
4. No more than one person has the right to use a single software product license at the same time. Each user must be properly licensed for use, according to the terms and conditions outlined by Revelation Software.
The following section of this document addresses frequently asked questions about the licensing for Advanced Revelation. If you have any questions about this document, or about Revelation Software s licensing requirements, please contact our Customer Care Department at 800-262-4747 or 201-594-1422.
Frequently Asked Licensing Questions
What do I need to purchase in order to develop applications with Advanced Revelation?
A development copy of Advanced Revelation is licensed for one individual. Each stand-alone developer must have a copy of Advanced Revelation with a unique serial number.
However, a development team usually prefers to work from one networked copy of Advanced Revelation, allowing developers to coordinate their activities and share and reuse tables and application components. In that case, one copy of Advanced Revelation is placed on a network. The appropriate LanPack(s) -- three-user, five-user, or unlimited-user must then be applied to the networked copy of Advanced Revelation to license additional developers.
Can I share my license with my application testers?
No. Each member of your team must be properly licensed whether with an individual development copy of Advanced Revelation or for network access, by applying the appropriate LanPack to your development copy of Advanced Revelation.
How do I deploy my Advanced Revelation application(s) to end users?
First, you need to determine what capabilities your end users will require. If end users simply need access to the application, you can deploy the application using a runtime. A runtime provides the ability to run application components built within Advanced Revelation, but does not provide the ability to create or modify components such as forms, reports, programs, and message boxes.
If the end users require the ability to create or customize Advanced Revelation components, the application should be delivered as a development-ready application with a development copy of Advanced Revelation.
How are runtimes licensed?
Single-User Runtime
An Advanced Revelation Runtime is needed to deliver a single-user runtime. As its name implies, a single-user runtime is deployed on an individual computer for local access. The Advanced Revelation Runtime is licensed for one-time use. Developers may deliver an unlimited number of single-user runtime copies of their application to individual users with the Advanced Revelation Runtime Deployment Kit (RDK). If a developer is deploying the same application to many different client sites, the RDK is the correct option. The Advanced Revelation Runtime Deployment Kit is licensed per unique application. The application can be deployed to an unlimited number of single users, so long as those users are not accessing the application via a network. Installing multiple single-user runtime applications on a network is a violation of Revelation licensing, and could potentially result in corruption of your data.
Multi-User Runtime
A runtime application to be accessed by end users working on a network must be deployed by applying LanPacks to the runtime application.LanPacks allow concurrent users to share and access applications on a local area network (LAN).
The installation of a LanPack performs two functions: it increases the number of concurrent users, and allows you to select the appropriate network driver so that the runtime application can communicate properly with the network. For the convenience of end users, Revelation provides three-user, five-user and unlimited-user LanPacks. Each of these disks can only be installed on one runtime, located on one server. If you need to deploy the application on multiple servers, additional LanPacks must be purchased. A LanPack disk cannot be used on more than one runtime, and that runtime cannot be distributed on more than one server.
How are development-ready applications licensed?
If the end users need access to the application, but also need the ability to create or customize Advanced Revelation components, the application should be delivered as a development-ready application. To deliver development-ready capabilities to your users, the purchase of a development copy of Advanced Revelation is required. For network access, the appropriate LanPack, available in three-user, five-user and unlimited-user licenses, needs to be applied. Development-ready deployment may only be applied to a single server. If you need to deploy your application on multiple servers, additional development copies of Advanced Revelation and LanPacks must be purchased.
Is it possible to deploy an application on a network without buying LanPacks?
When implementing and installing multi-user applications, the proper acquisition and licensing of the appropriate LanPack is required. The LanPacksare an implementation of our licensing, enabling developers to track and administer adherence to our licensing guidelines. We have left certain flexibility in our software to enable easier implementation and installation. Periodically, developers discover that particular implementations of the tool and application will enable them to avoid the installation and licensing of these packs. However, these should not be construed as permission to violate our licensing guidelines. Attempts to circumvent the installation of, or to engineer around the need for LanPacks is a direct violation of our licensing. If there is more than one user participating in the access, update or query of an Advanced Revelation database file, then the proper acquisition and licensing of a LanPack is required.
How can I optimize my Advanced Revelation applications on the Windows operating system?
Revelation Software has developed a series of add-on products that are required to enable Advanced Revelation (version 2.03+) applications to run on contemporary networking and client environments. The Revelation Network Products provide enhanced performance and reduce network errors for applications using the Revelation Linear Hash filing system. These three Network Products are: the Revelation NLM for Novell Networks, the Revelation NT Service for Microsoft NT Server, and the Network Performance Pack (NPP) for any other network that supports "byte range locking". The Revelation NLM and NT Service are licensed per server; the NPP is licensed for one copy of Advanced Revelation. The implementation and use of these products require the presence of properly licensed LanPacks for the correct number of concurrent users.
How can I extend my Revelation applications to the Web?
You can extend your Advanced Revelation application to the web by providing a web front-end to portions of the Advanced Revelation application; this can be done without affecting the application itself or the network environment in which the application is running. Revelation s OpenInsight for Workgroups provides the capabilities that can be used to extend your Advanced Revelation application, or portions of it, to the web. Each individual developing the web publishing capabilities must be individually licensed. A copy of OpenInsight for Workgroups must be acquired for each developer.
How do I deploy web-enabled applications?
In order to enable communication from a web browser to a Revelation application via Internet or intranet, the purchase of the Web Deployment Pack is required. The Web Deployment Pack (WDP) is a module which enables the publication of Revelation data to the World Wide Web. The WDP provides Internet users with access to the application extensions exclusively within the context of a web browser. It has no effect on the licensing of networked concurrent users. All users who require standard network access to the application must be properly licensed using the appropriate LanPack. The WDP can be installed on only one web server. If additional servers are required, a separate WDP license must be acquired.
If you have any questions about Advanced Revelation licensing, please contact our Customer Care Department at 800-262-4747 or 201-594-1422.
OpenInsight Development License (W Serialized license file)
This license should be upgraded using the appropriate upgrade from the WORKS area on in the normal way.
Single User Runtime License 8.x to 9.0 (X Serialized license file)
The process of upgrading an OpenInsight development license (W serialized license) from 8.x or prior to version 9.0 does not automatically upgrade file. For this reason the file from your development system should be emailed to your local Revelation representative. Once processed a new version 9.0 file will be emailed back to you for copying into your development system to replace your old file.
From the version 9.1 upgrade, the normal upgrade process for a development license (W serialized license as above) will upgrade both the OEngine.dll file (your W serialized full development license file) and also the (X serialized run time license file).
Multi-User Runtime License 8.x to Network User 9.0 (X Serialized license file to D serialized license file)
The OEngine.dll from the runtime system should be uploaded to the WORKS upload section using the authorization key request form. If the serial number submitted is pre release 8.0.3 or not on file with Revelation see option a), otherwise see option b).
a) Revelation will supply you with are placement Oengine.dll with a unique serialized license file (if not previously unique and registered on their system) or if the license file is pre-version 8.0.3. This will be a single user license file with a unique Dnnnnnnnn serial number pre-registered to the site defined in the authorization key request form. You will also receive an installation authorization key.
To upgrade a deployed system, you will need to:
1) Copy the supplied Oengine.dll file into your system to be upgraded.
2) Run the OI WORKS 9.x upgrade against your deployed system and enter the authorization key when prompted. This will set the license file with the licensed number of users and the license expiration date (date when the Annual License Fee is due).
b) Revelation will supply you with an installation authorization code.
To upgrade a deployed system in this situation, you will simply need to run the OI WORKS 9.x upgrade against your deployed system and enter the authorization key when prompted. This will set the license file with the licensed number of users and the license expiration date (date when the Annual License Fee is due).
When upgrading a Multi-User Runtime License 8.x to a Network User License 9.x there is a one time opportunity to adjust the user count downward. All Network User Licenses 9.x are subject to an Annual License Renewal fee.
Multi-User Network User License 9.0 to 9.x (D Serialized license file)
From version 9.1 you will be able to simply run the OI WORKS9.x upgrade against your deployed application running on a D Serialized Network User License. This process will require an upgrade installation authorization key which can be obtained by simply completing the request form in the WORKS upgrade section on the Revelation US web site. There will be no need to upload the physical engine if previously uploaded.
Adding additional users
From version 9.0, additional users will be provided through a 5x5 authorization key. Adding additional users will not change the existing Annual License Renewal date. The Annual License Renewal fee will be prorated accordingly. In this instance the key is applied by logging all users out of the OpenInsight system (and closing down any services consuming user licenses) and then running the reauth.exe program that can be found in the OpenInsight root directory.
Authorization key expiration
The authorization key supplied by Revelation has an expiration date and should be applied in a timely manner.
Revelation Deployment Licensing
Revelation's deployment licenses are consistently determined on a per-user basis. On a network, where the number of users is known, there are three types of deployment licenses:
The appropriate number of user licenses required is based on the maximum number of concurrent users required at any given time. Unlimited licenses for all three types are available as a cost-effective way for large organizations to ensure concurrent access to all their users. On the web, where the number of users is not known, there is one type of deployment license: the Web Deployment Pack. This is required for all web access except for a single persistent connection using Revelation's OECGI technology with a named engine.
Revelation Licenses Access Not Specific Features
Revelation's licensing requirements are on a per-user basis and not a feature basis. As part of the user license, Revelation may deliver a specific feature as an implementation that facilitates user access; however, that feature itself is not the license. For example, the Revelation Web Deployment Pack (WDP) licenses access to Linear Hash data via the web. The WDP includes the OECGI, OECGI2 and OECGI3 features, which are implementations that enables web access. There are, however, other ways to enable access to Linear Hash data via the web. If you choose not to use the OECGI, OECGI2 or OECGI3 implementations in favor of another method, you still need the WDP to be properly licensed to access the data via the web.
Differences between OICGI and OECGI Web Access
OpenInsight versions 4.0.3 and lower use a CGI program named OICGI.exe to provide a conduit between web server software and OpenEngine. OpenInsight versions 4.1 and higher use a CGI program named OECGI, OECGI2 or OECGI3 to provide a conduit between web server software and OpenEngine. OICGI requires a persistent connection to the web server and requires the use of a WDP. OECGI allows the creation of either dynamic or persistent connections to the web server. In those cases where a persistent connection is used a single user Network User License is only required. In all other cases the use of a WDP is required.
Licensing Scenarios for OECGI, OECGI2 or OECGI3 Implementations
The following table highlights some of the specific web-access scenarios about which we have received queries.
Scenario | License Required |
I am writing data out of an HTML file directly from OpenInsight to the web server. | Web Deployment Pack or 10 user Network User License required |
I develop a utility or method that enables users to access Linear Hash data via a web browser without using OECGI, OECGI2 or OECGI3. | Web Deployment Pack required or 10 user Network User License required |
I need to provide access to Linear Hash data via the web through multiple web servers. | Web Deployment Pack required or 10 user Network User License required |
I have Works or Teamworks applied to my development-ready OpenInsight application and I want to allow data access via the web to that application. | Web Deployment Pack not required |
I have ten or more Network User License (NUL) applied to my runtime OpenInsight application and I want to allow data access via the web to that application. | Web Deployment Pack not required |
I have an Unlimited LanPack applied to my development-ready or runtime Advanced Revelation application and I want to allow data access via the web to that application. | Web Deployment Pack required |
I am using dynamic connections to the engine via OECGI, OECGI2 or OECGI3. (e.g. CreateFlags and ShutDownSessions in the registry are set to TRUE) | Web Deployment Pack or 10 user Network User License required |
I need to provide access to Linear Hash data via the web through multiple web servers. | Web Deployment Pack required or 10 user Network License required |
I am using OECGI with a persistent connection to a named engine to provide access to Linear Hash data via a web browser. | Web Deployment Pack not required. |
If you have a specific licensing scenario that is not listed here, please contact us at (800) 262-4747 or (201) 594-1422 and we will provide you with the appropriate licensing guidelines.
The following is a detailed description of how Revelation Software’s products are licensed. Please read each section carefully and sign in the space provided at the end of this document to indicate your understanding of these licensing practices.
OpenInsight Works
Every individual who assists in the creation, maintenance, testing and support of OpenInsight applications
must have a Works development software license. Included in an individual copy of the OpenInsight
Works is the OpenInsight installation CD. This CD installs a two user development copy of OpenInsight
on the appropriate computer and counts as the first OpenInsight Works license. If there is more than one
developer, these additional developers are added to the OpenInsight Works development license using
an authorization code supplied by Revelation Software. Each authorization code is applied into an
OpenInsight license that resides on the network server and increments the number of concurrent developers
that can access that copy of OpenInsight. For example, if five developers require access to OpenInsight on a
network, the first developer license will be the installation of the OpenInsight installation CD creating a two user
copy. The remaining four developers would apply the appropriate authorization code to the single copy of
OpenInsight on the network increasing the license count to five and the user count to ten. OpenInsight
development licenses cannot be distributed to more than one server. If you need to deploy the development
application on multiple servers, additional copies of OpenInsight must be purchased.
Every OpenInsight TeamWorks user must be properly licensed. Revelation provides these licenses via TeamWorks (TeamWorks includes an installation copy of OpenInsight and an authorization code as described above). TeamWorks increases the number of concurrent development users (in increments of 1). TeamWorks cannot be duplicated nor applied more than once. TeamWorks licenses cannot be distributed to more than one server. If you need to deploy the application on multiple servers, additional TeamWorks licenses must be purchased.
The WORKS Subscription
Every individual who accesses the “For WORKS Subscribers” section for up-grades, content, services, etc. must have an active WORKS Subscription. Proper licensing can be determined by ensuring each individual has his/her own unique user name and password. A WORKS Subscription is not transferable or shareable (i.e. multiple users logging in using the same user account).
Runtime License (type of deployment)
A Runtime license provides one end-user full use of an OpenInsight application; however, it does not
allow the user to change or modify the application. Applications are delivered using a Runtime license
when the application is fixed, and cannot be modified. The Runtime license specifically prohibits the
ability to create files, create or modify dictionaries, create or delete indexes, as well as any application
component (such as popups, forms, programs, etc.). The Open-Insight Runtime license specifically differs
from the Advanced Revelation runtime license by prohibiting the modification of database components.
*Please note: The Runtime license is available at no additional charge to active Works members. To obtain software please complete the Runtime license agreement.
Network User License (NUL)*
Every OpenInsight Network User must be properly licensed. Revelation provides these licenses via an authorization code. The NUL performs two functions: it increases the number of concurrent users (in increments of 1), and enables communication to the network. A NUL cannot be duplicated nor can it be applied more than once. If an NUL has been applied to a license, that license cannot be distributed to more than one server. If you need to deploy the application on multiple servers, additional NULs must be licensed. The NUL is available in two editions: Desktop Edition (with a maximum of five concurrent users), Server Edition (with a maximum of unlimited users).
Network User License (NUL) - Enterprise*
The Enterprise Network User License enables a large number of users to accessOpenInsight residing on a multiple servers. The Enterprise Network User License has two increments:
Enterprise A is for 250 users, Enterprise B for 1,000 users. An Enterprise NUL
cannot be duplicated nor applied more than once. If an Enterprise NUL has been applied to a license, that
license can be distributed to more than one server.
Advanced Revelation Development Kit - (Advanced Revelation Development)
Every individual who assists in the creation, maintenance, testing and support of Advanced Revelation applications must be properly licensed. In non-networked environments proper licensing can be determined by ensuring each copy of Advanced Revelation has a unique serial number. In a networked environment all copies of Advanced Revelation must have a unique serial number as well as the appropriate number of Lanpacks applied.
Runtime License (type of deployment)
A Runtime license provides one end user full use of an Advanced Revelation application; however, it does not allow the user to change or modify the application. Applications are delivered using a Runtime license when the application is fixed, and cannot be modified. The Runtime specifically prohibits the ability to create or modify any application components (such as forms, programs, etc).
* Please note: The Advanced Revelation runtime license allows for the modification of database components (including tables, dictionaries, and indexes).
Development Ready License (type of deployment)
A Development Ready license provides end users full use of an Advanced Revelation application including the ability to change or modify the application. Applications are delivered using a Development Ready license when the application will be customized, enhanced, or maintained by either the original developer or the end user. The Development Ready license allows for the ability to create or modify database components (files, dictionaries, indexes) and application components (such as reports, forms, programs etc.) as designated by the application developer.
Advanced Revelation Runtime License - (Advanced Revelation Runtime)
Every Advanced Revelation Runtime user must be properly licensed. In non-networked environments proper licensing can be determined by ensuring each copy of Advanced Revelation has a unique serial number. In a networked environment all copies of Advanced Revelation must have a unique serial number as well as the appropriate number of Lanpacks applied.
Advanced Revelation Runtime Deployment License - (Advanced Revelation RDK)
This license enables developers to deliver an unlimited number of single-user runtime copies of their application to individual users. The Advanced Revelation Runtime Deployment Kit is licensed per application and assigns a serial number that is specific to that application. The runtime application must be delivered to the end user as a single user system. If the application is networked, the appropriate number of Lanpacks must be purchased to license additional users.
Advanced Revelation Network License (Lanpack)
When implementing multi-user applications, the proper acquisition and licensing of Lanpacks is required. A Lanpack cannot be duplicated nor applied more than once. If a Lanpack has been applied to a license, that license cannot be distributed to more than one server. If you need to deploy the application on multiple servers, additional Lanpacks must be licensed.
Advanced Revelation Server License - Unlimited Lanpack
The Advanced Revelation Server License enables an unlimited number of users to access an Advanced Revelation license residing on a single server. An Unlimited Lanpack cannot be duplicated nor applied more than once. If an Unlimited Lanpack has been applied to a license, that license cannot be distributed to more than one server. If you need to deploy the application on multiple servers, additional Unlimited Lanpacks must be licensed.
Network Products
The Revelation Universal Driver is licensed per server. The implementation and use of this product works in conjunction with properly licensed network user licenses (OpenInsight NULs, Teamworks, or Advanced Revelation Lanpacks). A Network Product cannot be duplicated nor applied more than once. If you need to deploy the application on multiple servers, additional Network Products must be purchased.
Network Products (NPP - Advanced Revelation only)
The Network Performance Pack is licensed per copy of Advanced Revelation. A Network Performance Pack can not be installed in more than one copy of Advanced Revelation. If you need to install the NPP on multiple copies of Advanced Revelation, additional NPPs must be licensed.
Web User License (WDP)*
The Web User License (WDP) is essentially a ten user Network User License (NUL) which enables the publication of Revelation data to the World Wide Web via our OECGI, OECGI2 and OECGI3 executables. The WDP provides Internet users with access to application extensions exclusively within the context of a web browser. The minimum requirement for a WDP is a ten user Network User License (NUL). The Network User License can be configured for use with either a browser or desktop interface. For example a ten user Network User License can be configured for seven desktop users and three for use with the OECGI, OECGI2 and OECGI3 executables.
* Network User Licenses are subject to an annual license renewal fee. Please contact Revelation for details.
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Revelation Software US offices will be closed on Monday 17 February in celebration of Presidents' Day